Space Data for Tourism Impact Model – SD4TIM project, supported by the European Space Agency – ESA, led by Tourism 4.0 Lead Dr Urška Starc Peceny, was successfully concluded thanks to Arcturs’ dedicated tech experts and project partners from Murmuration, France.
During the duration of the 14 months of the project its overall objective was to build a knowledge base in support of the tourism sector in Europe by using Satellite Earth Observation data. The technical objective was to develop the Air Quality Indices, quantify changes in air pollution and land surface temperature data to provide aggregate estimates in Europe using Satellite data and integrating it into Tourism Impact Model - TIM
The most important lessons learned in the project were:
- Combining Tourism Impact Model (TIM) with air quality and land surface temperature data has revolutionised assessments, making them faster and more reliable.
- Satellite data, especially for air quality and temperature indicators, is crucial for decision-makers, providing better insights.
- We've bridged gaps between satellite data providers and analytics applications, paving the way for future advancements.
The concluded work inspires us to explore additional satellite data’s potential and to focus on enhancing end-user understanding, connecting more data sources and simplifying interpretations.