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Accessibility 4.0

By leveraging advanced technologies, we aim to create enriched experiences that address mobility, sensory, and cognitive challenges, making tourism accessible to everyone. Through collaboration with experts, we are committed to researching, learning, and discovering effective ways to achieve this.



While new legislation, such as Directive 2016/2102/EU on the accessibility of websites and mobile applications for public sector bodies and Directive 2019/882/EU on accessibility requirements for products and services, sets important standards, our commitment goes beyond compliance. These directives cover key areas like ticketing and check-in machines, access to audio-visual media services, and services related to air, bus, rail, and waterborne transport. However, we believe that making tourism accessible is not just a legal obligation, but a moral responsibility to ensure that everyone can participate equally in travel experiences and spend a quality free time.

Our goals:

  1. Rising awareness
    Essential for Some, Useful for All
  2. Create a pool of partners for R&D projects
    Nothing about Us, Without Us
  3. Encourage focused R&D projects
    EU become the first globally to define XR standards

If you have experience or just wish to learn, connect with us!