b-chain for
agri-food edu
While blockchain is transforming business models, productivity, competitiveness and growth, blockchain adoption for food supply chains are still in an early stage. So too is the education sector in the preparation for the next-generation digital-ready workforce. The OECD tell us that only 38% of education providers are at the forefront of adopting innovations, new knowledge or methods. The education of future food industry leaders is at an unprecedented juncture. The higher educators need to be empowered to unlock the power of Blockchain for their agrifood student population, while also providing leadership for industry players in their regions. Academics and lecturers in HEI from facilities of agribusiness, food science and engineering, and nutrition departments play an important role as they carry the responsibility of educating and training the future workforce in a way that allows them to successfully meet the requirements of the job market.
the project
Priority: Stimulating innovative learning and teaching practices
Horizontal priority: Addressing digital transformation through the development of digital readiness, resilience and capacity
The project aims to empower academics and lecturers in HEI from facilities of agribusiness, food science and engineering, and nutrition departments to unlock the power of Blockchain for their agrifood student population, while also providing leadership for industry players in their regions. Moreover, to responsibly lead the education of our future workforce in a way that allows them to successfully meet the requirements of the job market. Lastly, the important objective is to transform agrifood business models, productivity, competitiveness and growth to the benefit of a large number of actors, from small-scale farmers, primary processors, and traders to product manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and consumers.
- The Guide to Blockchain Education in the Agrifood Sector will research and put forward recommendations for the pedagogic (andragogic) strategies best suited to teaching the digital skills required for blockchain integration in agrifood education. It will improve understanding of the relationship between blockchain and the most pressing agrifood challenges/opportunities and current curricula (societal challenge). It will publish 2 key results:
- the Blockchain Education in the Agrifood Sector Baseline Research Report
- the Guide to Blockchain Education in the Agrifood Sector
- Blockchain Education in the Agrifood Sector OER’s, providing lecturers with blockchain ready-to-use resources for in-person classes, digital, or hybrid delivery to manage an effective shift towards digital education in a wholly digital field of study. There are 3 results:
- the Blockchain Education in the Agrifood Sector Open Education Resources
- the Classroom Teaching Pack
- Online Course for Direct Study
- Dissemination and Sustainability will ensure the widespread adoption of B-CHAIN AGRI-FOOD EDU amongst partner institutions, peers and networks and the wider education and agri-food sector.
- The Slovak University of Agriculture - SUA (Lead Partner)
- Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
- Momentum marketing services Ltd.
- FH Münster University of Applied Sciences
- European E-learning Institute
- Arctur