TEMS will set up and deploy a secure and trusted data space to enable Audiovisual and Media organizations to cooperate by sharing and accessing data in a mutually advantageous manner and in full compliance with the data protection legislation. In line with the European Data Strategy, TEMS’s Data Space will also connect sub-dataspaces from various media related sectors to form and search for interconnection with other European data spaces (notable Manufacturing and Tourism).
Trusted European Media Data Spaces
Co-financed by:
Digital Europe Programme
Start – end:
October 2023 – September 2026
1,3M EUR

the project
Project acronym: TEMS
By providing the means for enhanced data-based collaboration, TEMS will open new data-driven business opportunities for the media sector with a view to innovating, transforming and addressing existing and new challenges of the digital economy such as regaining competitiveness in the face of online platforms like the ones commercialized by the five FAANG (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google). TEM’s Data Space (DS) will combine a technical infrastructure with governance mechanisms to ensure an easy and secure cross-border access to key datasets in the media sector, facilitating at the same time content co-generation, co-creation and co-distribution as well as transmedia/cross-media narratives.
Data interoperability will be a key characteristic of the infrastructure to be built in TEMS. The data space will deploy trust mechanisms (such as security and privacy by design) and develop data services matching European values, in particular ethics, equality and diversity. This data space infrastructure will boost the re-use of data for innovative content (e.g. entertainment and news) production, curation and distribution across Europe and will be made available to both public service media and commercial media operators, whether large or small or start-ups.
- Set up and deploy a secure and trusted data space to enable media organisations active in Audio-visual (TV and films), Archives, Advertising, Publishing, Radio and Journalism to cooperate by sharing and accessing data in a mutually advantageous manner and in full compliance with the data protection legislation.
- Fast prototype and experimentation of collaborative data-driven media value chains through four lighthouse trials (News and Fact-checking; Audience data, personalization & revenue streams; Collaboration in Production Chain and DRM; Innovation & New Media Formats) which will boost the re-use of data for innovative content production, curation, circulation and distribution across Europe.
- Lower the barriers for adoption of Data Governance and Data Act (DGA-DA) directives facilitating data space governance, industrial agreements and data licensing models among the Media Data Value Chain (MDVC) stakeholders that will allow growth of data providers within the media sector at scale (cross-country, cross sectorial).
- Facilitate the establishment of new digital alliances among media stakeholders as well as with digital stakeholders (including SMEs) to reinforce the operation of MDVCs designing new collaborative business models and relational contractual agreements for media data accessing and sharing relying on data-space enabled digital product passports and AI powered operations and targeting expanded audiences in multiple languages (including European minority languages).
- Leverage a new pan-European data & infrastructure service provider ecosystem for media data accessing and sharing through service interoperability and data space roaming agreements relying on a computing continuum (IIoT-edge-cloud integration), data protection, openness and transparency, authenticity and trust, digital sovereignty and self-determination, among data space service providers.
- Increase SME data sharing capabilities and competitiveness; facilitating data space domain specific services to lower the cost and difficulties to establish and/or participate in media data spaces; integrating data space offer in European Digital Innovation Hubs and Digital Transformation Acceleration (DTA) services for business innovation; aligning data space service offer with EU SME digital skills development and AI for media testing & experimentation offer for technology adoption.
- Asociacion de empresas tecnologicas Innovalia (Lead partner)
- Union europeenne de radio television – EBU
- Die Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
- APA-IT informations technologie GmbH
- Agence France Presse
- PROCIREP – Societe de Producteurs de Cinema et de Television
- France Televisions
- De Vlaamse Radio en Televisieomroeporganisatie NV
- Media City Bergen AS
- Consultores de automatizacion y robotica SA
- Schickler Unternehmensberatung GmbH
- Orange applications for business
- Engineering - ingegneria informatica SpA
- Stichting Nederlands Instituut Voorbeeld en Geluid
- 1001 Lakes Oy
- Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften EV
- ISAN International Agency
- European Cultural Foundation
- EITB Media, S.A.U.
- Commission Supérieure Technique de l'Image et du Son
- Fincons Group AG
- Dawex Systems
- Arctur
- Henneo Media SA
- Cultural Broadcasting Archive - Verein zur Förderung digitaler Kommunikation
- Sas Panodyssey Holding Group
- Athens technology centre
- Institut national de l'audiovisuel
- Startin'Blox
- Lum::invent
- Perfect Memory
- CAP digital