Black Sea coastline experts, local partners, and international consultants joined forces to decrease negative tourism impact and increase local socio-economic returns with the help of data analytics. Their project proposal titled Tourism 4.0 for the Black Sea will be implemented with the contribution of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund of the European Union within the Blue Growth Programme.
Within the project framework, Tourism 4.0 tools will be tested and the dialogue with regional stakeholders encouraged since the first step to co-creating tourism for the future is raising awareness about the role data analytics can have for sustainable tourism development in the region. To plan this journey to data driven tourism at the Black Sea, all partners have met in Brussels for the kick off meeting of the project. Representatives of Arctur, Hi-tech company, HPC provider and Tourism 4.0 initiator from Slovenia, HCL Management, International development consultancy from Greece, Tourism Institute, think tank for sustainable tourism development from Georgia, Marketing Development, Tourism service provider specialized in accessible travel from Romania, Ovidius University of Constanta from Romania and NGO Agricola from Ukraine promoting sustainable development gathered to co-create Tourism 4.0 ecosystem at the Black Sea.