On Saturday, 18th December, over 200 participants were running & cycling for the good cause. The 9th Goricathlon was sparkled with sun and positive energy. The tourism 4.0 team included semi-professionals, recreative sportsmen, basically, everyone who wanted to contribute. Tourism 4.0 puts the quality of life of the local residents in the centre, so our team immediately supported the idea of contributing the kilometres with running and cycling in Nova Gorica. With the gathered finances, the Protective work centre Nova Gorica will get a new therapeutic device – a special bicycle that will support and fasten up the recovery from the head or the spine injury. The event was supported also by Anej Doplihar, para–cycler, who showed with more than 40 circles that with a strong will anything is possible. Tourism 4.0 is looking forward to the next years' 10th Goricathlon.