The fourth workshop of the Web3 accelerator programme organised by Arctur in cooperation with the Slovene Enterprise Fund was held at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia in Ljubljana on Thursday November 24th 2022.
The free series of workshops covering the emerging Web3 technologies offered the attendees the valuable opportunity to listen to lectures given by renowned speakers, each respected in their fields of study.
Assoc. Prof. Dr Tomaž Curk, Vice Dean for Research at Faculty of Computer and Information Science, presented the workshop’s theme ‘Bolstering innovation using artificial intelligence and machine learning’ firstly through a theoretical framework and secondly, using the open source program Orange Data Mining, through informative practical use cases of data modelling and pattern detection.
Here are some of Dr Tomaž Curk’s tips on the topic of AI and machine learning:
- AI methods, especially machine learning, can be an extremely powerful tool for detecting patterns in data and acquiring new knowledge that can be used in practice.
- The two basic steps of building predictive models are always the same: the continuous acquisition of new high-quality data and iterative improvement of models. The acquisition of data and data preprocessing usually proves to be the most difficult part of the entire process.
- Before using AI and machine learning models to detect patterns in data one must thoroughly understand the problem at hand.
Open source tool Orange Data Mining is being developed at the Faculty of Computer and Informatics of the University of Ljubljana. The tool’s intuitive, fast and interactive front-end offers fast and interactive insight into data and models. Such tools can significantly speed up the process of improving particular predictive models, improving one’s decision-making. You are warmly invited to try it out for yourselves.