In 2020, when the Corona virus started to spread on global level, the World stopped. And so did tourism. #TourismFromZero initiative was created with the aim to search for new ideas on how to re-build tourism ‘’from zero’’. Let´s have a look of the activities that have followed.
Listen to the #PodcastFromZero
Like the most interesting tourism experiences, the most interesting professional stories come from local experts active in the field. Through the podcasts interesting people share experiences how to successfully develop tourism “from zero to hero”. So far 18 inspiring podcasts with people working in and for tourism have been created. Listen to the debates here.
Welcome the new #WineFromZero initiative!
The ever-expanding #TourismFromZero family has been joined by another initiative, #WineFromZero. UP FTŠ sTOUdio Turistica students organised the first #WineFromZero event on the weekend of November 20-22 with the help of mentors. The purpose of the event was to solve the practical challenges of winemakers in the development of wine tourism. By connecting in the start-up weekend format, the student-academic-business cooperation on the basis of creative solving of practical business challenges was successfully carried out. More information on this event could be find here.
"Tourism beyond 4.0" presentation at the Politur webinar
In November, a webinar "Mobilities Transforming Destinations" was organized by the Spanish University of Rovira i Virgili. The keynote speaker of the event was Dr. Dejan Križaj with the topic "Tourism beyond 4.0 - Research Contributing to Sustainable Industry Transitions". The #LocalsFromZero coordinators Tadej and Rudi, students from UP FTŠ Turistica, also actively participated in the lecture, presenting respectively their PhD and Master research related to #LocalsFromZero and #TourismFromZero activities. Find additional information on this event here.
Students from UP Turistica exchanged experiences with study colleagues from Japan
In early December, mentors from the AIRTH organization, along with students from UP FTŠ sTOUdia Turistica, gave a guest lecture in Japan at Soka University. They presented their activities related to the #TourismFromZero and #LocalsFromZero initiatives. Japanese students told to Slovenian colleagues that local providers there also face similar problems as in Slovenia. They were enthusiastic about the #LocalsFromZero solution and confirmed the team to be on the right track. Find more information on this meeting here.
Another award for Slovenia!
December could not end better, namely, Jaka Godejša, a third-year student at The Faculty of Tourism Studies – Turistica, and a member of the #LocalsFromZero team, received a gold medal in the AEHT (Association of European Hotel and Tourism Schools) competition in the Tourist Destinations discipline. The competition was attended by 22 students, working in pairs. Jaka Godejša collaborated with Domenique Geeve from the Dutch school ROC Mondriaan, the Netherlands. Their task was to present solutions for the recovery of tourism in Iceland after it was affected due to Covid restrictions. The judge, Asdis Vatnsdal, presented the winning task as a well thought and feasible plan to promote tourism, which has great potential for the realisation and financial support of destinations. You are invited to read the whole article here.