Municipality of Ajdovščina was among 3 testing areas of Tourism Impact Model. In the year 2021 they successfully finished TIM assessment and received TIM report. The Mayor, Mr. Tadej Beočanin, expressed their experience with the whole TIM process.
Tourism Impact Model – TIM brings a lot of useful inputs for the strategic planning of tourism, which is also one of the key priorities of the Municipality of Ajdovščina. Before making strategic decisions, we have to make an analysis of the current situation and assess at which developmental level the destination currently is. TIM allows us to do just that – based on the gathered data from the different sources, that have an impact on the development of the destination, it gives us the objective picture of the destination and measures the positive and negative impact of tourism. The TIM results have reminded us how important tourism is connected with other sectors. At the same time, we realized how important it is to collect data from different sources as this enables creating a holistic picture of the destination. We will study the gained results and will use them for preparing future strategic documents for the sustainable development of tourism in the Municipality of Ajdovščina and the destination Vipava valley.
Tadej Beočanin, Mayor of the Municipality of Ajdovščina