On November 14th, a business breakfast was held to present the CulturalDeTour project to interested stakeholders. Tourism 4.0 expert Matevž Straus presented key information about the project and invited stakeholders to join the Accelerator, a six-month support program that will support small companies, initiatives, potential entrepreneurs and enthusiasts in cultural tourism in Greece, Spain or Slovenia who want to strengthen the role of sustainability and culture in the tourist offer. The program will offer national and transnational workshops, individual mentoring, access to industry experts, thematic courses, online seminars of partner organizations and opportunities to network and share best practices. The topics discussed will be sustainability in tourism, heritage protection in tourism, public involvement and community building, eco-tourism, digital nomadism, gastronomic tourism, earth-centred planning, online presence and marketing, data and analysis, artificial intelligence, digitization (3D models) and digital interpretation (VR/AR/MR) among others.