Two significant high-level events were held in Brussels on the 25th and 26th of September 2023 with the aim of laying the foundation for the European Tourism Data Space.
On 25th September 2023 both consortia of the European Tourism Data Space EU projects - DATES Tourism Data Space and Data Space for Tourism - organised together a technical High-Level event involving key actors in the tourism sector, data experts, member states, and European Institutions representatives. The main objective of the preparatory action for the European Tourism Data Space is to explore approaches and options for the deployment of a secure and reliable tourism data space, ensuring transparent control of data access, use, and reuse. The project is focused on developing governance and business models while providing a shared roadmap that will ensure the coordination of tourism ecosystem actors and the connection between EU-level data ecosystems and interconnected data spaces in other sectors. The technical workshop offered participants the chance to learn about the two projects' findings, gain valuable insights from relevant stakeholders, and network with peers from all over Europe.
Arctur attended the event as one of the 13 partners of the DATES project consortium and Dr. Urška Starc Peceny was the moderator of the first session of the technical workshop that delved into the realm of Data Space for Tourism and examined its ability to address the diverse needs and challenges of tourism stakeholders.
On 26th September 2023 "Breakfast with MEP" was organized by DATES project and sponsored by MEP Cláudia Monteiro de Aguiar who welcomed the project’s partners, Member States and European Institutions representatives for a High-Level Breakfast to align the different emerging initiatives related to Tourism Data Space. This event was organized in the frame of the Inter-ministerial Committee generated within DATES, involving representatives from more than 15 Member States.
Arctur CEO Tomi Ilijaš and Tourism 4.0 Lead & CIO Dr. Urška Starc Peceny, brought their expertise to the table, sparking captivating discussions about the functionality and interoperability of the upcoming European Tourism Data Space.
The press release for both events can be found here.