A wonderful day is behind us!
Yesterday (23.11.2022) members of Tourism 4.0 Arctur team were speakers at the Insites final event, which was organised alongside Dnevi evropske kulturne dediščine in Tedna kulturne dediščine 2022. The event was held in the wonderful ambience of the City Museum of Ljubljana, in Ljubljana (Slovenia).
At the event, Hrvoje Ratkajec and Matevž Straus presented the results of the Insites project to more than 60 stakeholders from the field of cultural heritage, preservation of heritage, primary and secondary schools, NGOs engaged in cultural heritage etc.
In addition, they also led a workshop for interested participants about how to use of digital technology to transform cultural heritage into enriched tourist experiences.
A special thank you for co-organisation of the event goes to Public Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for the Protection of Cultural Heritage – IPCHS.
Photos: Nejc Dolinar, archive of Public Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for the Protection of Cultural Heritage and Hrvoje Ratkajec, Arctur