For years, Arctur has been dedicated to exploring the metaverse and virtualization. One of key steps required for us to unlock the Web 3.0 potential is collaboration between companies and national/EU institutions in the joint development of solutions. Collaboration was, along with Mitigation, Adaptation, and Finance, also defined as one of the 2022 UN climate change conference COP27 main objectives.
At COP27 on the 17th of November 2022, Slovenia showcased such a collaboration by presenting an innovative solution for organising events within an advanced technological metaverse platform MetaCOP27. The solution is a product of collaboration between several ministries, business development agency SPIRIT and Slovenia Tourist Board.
Not only that, Slovenia also ticked the box in terms of national institutions-companies collaboration, as the metaverse platform had been used to present innovative companies and their breakthrough projects for a sustainable future.
We are thrilled to say that Arctur was one of the participating companies! It feels so nice to be a part of such an incredible event. Urška Starc Peceny presented the Tourism 4.0 solutions for the first time in Metaverse! Arctur was given the opportunity to present its ideas together with other innovative companies such as Elaphe Propulsion Technologies, Iskra, Iskraemeco, SunContract, AV Living Lab and others.
Given such a collaboration the future is looking bright. Slovenia has already set an intent to tailor the MetaCOP27 platform for the upcoming COP28 in November 2023 in Dubai and Arctur could be given an opportunity to present two innovative Digital Europe programme projects the company is currently involved in: Dates - data spaces for tourism project and 5D Culture - data spaces for heritage project. It would be fitting.
See you in the Metaverse!