Amazing AoE

the project
UNESCO Transboundary Biosphere Reserve Mura Drava Danube (TBR MDD) is connecting 12 protected areas and uniting 5 countries along 3 rivers into first world pentalateral biosphere reserve. The area known as Amazon of Europe (AoE) represents the largest and most preserved free-flowing river system in Central Europe. Pristine natural beauty, endangered habitats and diverse cultural traditions have enormous potential for sustainable tourism, while underdeveloped border regions face lack of capacities, unemployment and emigration.
DTP project AoE Bike Trail is the first development project in TBR MDD, connecting key stakeholders into one linear biking product. The results (network, booking system, valorisation programme) will be substantially upgraded with this project into truly responsible destination AoE, by developing much-needed joint strategies, IT solutions and learning interactions at significantly broader destination level.
AoE destination will be a joint and integrated solution for sustainable tourism, including:
- Responsible Green Destination Tourism Impact Model (RGD TIM model), combining social and technological innovation;
- joint strategy and management model for the destination,
- joint flagship tourism products connecting top experiences along the rivers: River Trail, Hiking Trails, AoE Experiences,
- six digital investments,
- model validation in 2 transnational pilot areas and training stakeholders for responsible green destination.
The project partnership of 13 project partners and 15 associated strategic partners is led by Iskriva institute.
- Iskriva, institute for development of local potentials, Slovenia (lead partner)
- Arctur Ltd., Slovenia
- Municipality of Velika Polana, Slovenia
- West Pannon Regional and Economic Development Public Nonprofit Ltd., Hungary
- CROST Regional Development Nonprofit Ltd., Hungary
- Tourism Board of Međimurje County, Croatia
- Osijek-Baranya County, Croatia
- Association for nature and environment protection Green Osijek, Croatia
- Koprivnica Križevci County, Croatia
- Varaždin County, Croatia
- Trail Angels GmbH, Austria
- 8Cities, Austria
- Municipality of Apatin, Serbia
- City of Sombor, Serbia
Associated partners:
- Ministry of Tourism, Croatia
- Active and Ecotourism Development Center, Hungary
- World Wide Fund for Nature Austria, Austria
- Zala County Government, Hungary
- Government of Somogy County, Hungary
- Government of Baranya County, Hungary
- Virovitica-Podravina County Tourist Board, Croatia
- Tourist Board of Osijek-Baranja County, Croatia
- Varazdin County Tourist Board, Croatia
- Public institution Kopacki rit Nature Park, Croatia
- Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO, Slovenia
- Slovenian Tourist Board, Slovenia
- Tourist Association of Slovenia, Slovenia
- Thermenland Süd- & Oststeiermark Marketing GmbH AT, Austria
- Central Podravina Tourist Board, Croatia