The Ovidius University of Constanţa pays special attention to the new strategic challenge of the European Union aimed at Blue Growth, as over 5.4 million jobs at EU level depend on the development of coastal and marine areas, and economic activities in the coastal and marine areas generate revenues of over 500 billion euros per year.
The University cooperates with Marketing Development S.R.L. through the organizing tourism agency Sano Touring in Bucharest as local partners in the "Tourism 4.0 for the Black Sea - T4BS" project funded the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) of the European Union. This EU project supports Tourism 4.0 activities at the Black Sea and will hence be the first region where the Tourism 4.0 tools will be tested in addition to the living lab being developed in Slovenia as a part of the national flagship project there.
The first step to co-creating tourism for the future at the Black Sea is raising awareness about the role data analytics can have for sustainable tourism development in the region. Therefore, Ovidius University of Constanța organized the workshop titled "Tourism 4.0 for the Black Sea - Data Analysis for Sustainable Tourism Development Strategies", where various local stakeholders of tourism ecosystem have been welcomed by Ion Munteanu, Governor of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Administration. This is the first of three events within the project that will bring together local authorities and government representatives, research institutes and tourist providers as well as other representatives of tourism business environment at the regional and local level to collaborate and transform tourism at the coastal area of Romania.