First workshop of the Tourism 4.0 for the Black Sea has been held parallel to the first International Conference in the Black Sea region on Blue Growth. At the conference various models have been discussed in terms of needed cooperation between universities and socio-economic community since innovation clusters, networks, and project consortia have many complementarities, which could be excellent examples of best practices in the region. For this reason, organisation of the 1st workshop at the Black Sea on Data Analysis for Sustainable Tourism Development Strategies parallel to the Blue Growth conference has been a unique opportunity.
At the workshop, Ion Munteanu, Governor of Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, addressed the participants interested in data driven tourism. Our local partners from the Ovidius University of Constanta have invited all key tourism stakeholders to contribute actively to co-creation of tourism for the future in the region. The workshop concluded with the presentation of Tourism 4.0 tools from the leading partner Arctur.
In addition, Urška Starc Peceny and Tomi Ilijaš emphasised the importance of data accessibility for data driven tourism and inspired the transformation of tourism at the coastal area in Romania together with other high representatives such as Borbély László, State Counsellor and Michael Christides, Ambassador.