The TOURBIT project (Fostering digitalisation of European Tourism SMEs) is seeking external expert evaluators to evaluate the Tourism SMEs proposals requesting funding within the framework of the TOURBIT Digital Acceleration Programme.
The evaluators are going to evaluate innovative tourism SMEs projects related to subjects such as digitalisation of internal processes, automatization of client relations and online presence, and improvement of products or services using digital technologies.
The Call for evaluators is launched within the framework of the TOURBIT Digital Acceleration Programme under which the project will select and provide financial support to up to 7 tourism SMEs from the Slovenia for the implementation of digitalisation and innovation projects in their businesses.
Who are we looking for:
- Individual experts with min 5 years of experience in the tourism sector and digitalisation/technology application,
- having knowledge in using innovative technologies, such as Cloud computing, Digital workspace solutions, Data analytics and Data management, Cybersecurity, Digital marketing and communication, AI, IoT, AR &VR, and Blockchain, in the tourism sector.
The obligations of the chosen expert:
- Evaluate the Tourism SMEs proposals from Slovenia. It is expected to evaluate between 15 and 25 project proposals (8-12 pages/project proposal).
- Attend an 1-1,5h introduction session (in English) on the evaluation process, that will be organized on the 28th of March 2023 at 11.00 CET online.
- Provide of a short evaluation report in English language and scoring of all proposals in each evaluation criteria using the official templates (aprox.. ½ page report per proposal). It is expected that the evaluator carries out the work remotely
- Justification of evaluation results in front of the Proposal Selection Committee (if requested).
Please send your:
- Filled in Formal Offer Form with the set unit price for the evaluation/project. The remunderation of the contract will be according the number of proposals to be evaluated.
- CV with the relevant experience.
to Katarina Ceglar on katarina.ceglar@arctur.si, Tourbit project manager at Arctur, until the 10th of March 2023 12.00 CET.
Additional information about the open call
For any other information, do not hesitate to contact Mrs Ceglar.
TOURBIT is co-financed by the COSME programme for the competitiveness of of the SMEs. The project brings together eight partners from seven EU territories. Arctur, the Tourism 4.0 initiator, is proud partner of the project.