Heritage+ is applying advanced technologies to the field of cultural heritage and was awarded with the Silver Prize for Innovation at the annual ceremony by the Northern Primorska Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The programme is an awarded social innovation, answering to the need of society and local communities for sustainable development, the transmission of heritage values and strengthening a sense of belonging.
There are more than 300.000 monuments of immovable cultural heritage in Slovenia alone. They are spread across the country, in various states of preservation – from »touristically occupied« to almost unknown, hidden and too often in decay. Despite local, national and sometimes even international importance of such cultural heritage, its stories and messages are not heard by many. The tools of Heritage+ are here to change that!
Nowadays, we cannot imagine travel without digital technologies - e.g. internet and mobile phones. While travelling, the internet is not only a source of information but increasingly a source of inspiration. Visitors and interact with its constituencies. In addition, audiences have changed dramatically. Youngsters between 16 and 25 years old spend on average more than 34 hours per week online — which is double than a decade ago. Moreover, the use of technologies is not restricted only to young people — even the oldest generations are adopting them rather quickly. As technologies evolve (augmented reality, artificial intelligence, ...) physical and digital worlds are merging. Hence, mixed reality is becoming our reality fast.
To boost the use of advanced technologies in preservation and promotion of cultural heritage we have initiated the Heritage+ programme, because we understand that for rich heritage not to remain in depots, in glass boxes and dusty monographs, new knowledge, skills, digital solutions and community are needed. New enriched experiences can be created using advanced technologies (360° photo and video, Augmented Reality, 3D scanning, modelling and printing, simulated reconstruction…) in combination with hybrid skills of digital business model development, and strategic planning of digital transformation.