Autumn period will be very active for the project Insites in which Arctur, a Tourism 4.0 initiator, participates as an expert partner. There are planned several training activities to test developed project outputs, primarily the Multilingual cultural heritage tourism training pack (IO1), Digital Cultural Heritage Active Peer Learning Guide (IO2) and Digital Cultural Heritage Technology Toolkit (IO4).
All three outputs form a part of the final output which is a massive open online course (MOOC) on cultural heritage tourism (IO3).
The trainings will target educators (VET and HE organisations) and smaller SME’s and community tourism/heritage groups who offer products/services in the preservation and promotion of tangible and intangible cultural heritage traditions.
The impact and feedback from the trainings will be used to improve the outputs for the main multiplier event in November where the finished outputs will be presented to different stakeholders engaged in cultural heritage tourism, starting with educators and policymakers, tourism development bodies, heritage custodians, media representatives, tourism marketing and destination promotion bodies.
More info here and on the Facebook page.