Tourism 4.0 Lead Urška Starc Peceny was invited to participate in the kick off meeting of the “Tourism for the future” project. This two-year project, financed by the Cross Border Cooperation Montenegro-Kosovo (European Union CBC programme), is implemented by Prishtina REA in partnership with IPER Institute, Kolasin Municipality and Gjeravica Mountaineering Association from Peja, and supported by Peja Municipality. The project aims at contributing to the development of the cross-border sustainable tourism through networking, introducing green key and eco standards, improving competitiveness and joint promotion. The impact is the promotion of the participation of SMEs targeting EU certification systems, in particular, the EU Ecolabel and EMAS aiming at compliance adaptations necessary to request relevant and achievable internationally recognized certification schemes. Ms Starc Peceny supported the project by sharing her innovative ideas and vision and by adding a global perspective to the region’s efforts.