Applications connect to the T4.0 Core and technology pillars (DOTI, CIT, FLOWS, TIM) and third-party applications via interactive T4.0 Core APIs. Interactive collaboration takes place in a transparent and trustworthy environment based on key enabling technologies: blockchain (traceability, data security and transparent flow of information), big data (high performance data analysis), artificial intelligence (machine learning), the internet of things (connectivity), etc.
We aspire to establish a new, sustainable way of cooperation between tourism stakeholders, which goes beyond merely connecting different applications and data sources. It encourages the co-creation of new enriched data and information, fosters innovation in tourism, increases added value, improves decision-making and advances the user experience.
Each application determines what data can be shared with others, how data can be used (e.g. open, internal, paid data) and how data will be structured into the knowledge base in the T4.0 Core. In the app marketplace, for each application can also be selected what data or services will be used and thus subscribe to events related to them in the Collaboration Platform.
Co-create Tourism 4.0 with us!
We invite application developers and data owners, who wish to co-create a new model of a sustainable tourism ecosystem to become part of the Collaboration Platform T4.0 Core by filling out the form: