As of August 2nd 2023, there are currently five open calls under the topic of COVID-19 Recovery Through Sustainable Tourism Growth and SME Support (SMP-COSME-2021-TOURSME, DG Grow) still open for applications from tourism SMEs. These open calls represent apromising funding opportunity for tourism SMEs across Europe who could benefit from support in their green and digital transformation.
Projects funded under this topic include ECOTOURS, SUSRUR, I-STARS, EU Rural Tourism, and LookUp, covering a wide range of topics from island tourism to astrotourism in a total of 23 eligible European countries. For more information, interested candidates should visit the European Commission’s ‘Funding & tender opportunities’ webpage and read carefully the specific requirements for each open call.
Tourism 4.0 is supporting Slovenian SMEs under the Tourbit project (Cosme programme).