On 22nd and 23rd January the biggest Slovenian pre-information event in the field of education and youth employment named Informativa took place. As we know, it is not an easy task to take important life decisions which choosing the right educational programme definitely is. Informativa brought together Slovenian and foreign educational institutions and thus allowed the young people to find all information on different programmes and mingle with potential first employers.
In collaboration with Faculty of Tourism, University of Maribor also Tourism 4.0 TRL 3-6 project has been presented by Urska Starc Peceny with the aim to inspire young people to choose the study of tourism. The goal of this project is to build the foundation of tourism of tomorrow with a collaborative tourism ecosystem centred around the local community. Just to remember, this is the largest R&D project in the history of Slovenia focused on tourism involving all major universities from the country.