Tourism 4.0 Partnership supports tourist destinations on their path to digital innovation with a team comprised of heritage workers, innovation experts, business developers and technologists that have prepared step-by-step guidelines on Digital Innovation of Cultural Heritage, published in 2019.
This year the Handbook was revised as in the last two years Tourism 4.0 Heritage has made a huge leap by digitising 100+ units of Cultural Heritage in Slovenia, which were used in creating over 30 5-star tourism experiences. This is the path that Slovenia is taking toward becoming one of the leading European countries in the field of unique tourist experiences through the systematic digital innovation of cultural heritage.
The main purpose of this Handbook has always been to share knowledge and open up questions on the development of complex projects at the intersection of 1) tourism and 2) cultural heritage and tourism.
Hopefully, it will engage new ambassadors for our millennium-old roots, ensuring that they become (and remain) part of our future.
The Handbook contains:
- Challenges of Cultural heritage
- What are digitally enhanced experiences of immovable cultural heritage?
- Direct and indirect effects of cultural heritage
- Good reasons for the digitisation of cultural heritage
- Elements of a good project
- The process of digital innovation of cultural heritage
- From TE to ITE
- Target audiences and user demands
- Identifying heritage objects and stories
- Cooperation with stakeholders
- Conceptualising the experience
- Shaping the experience path
- Connecting with local businesses,
- ....
The main target group of users of the toolkit are destination management organisations (DMOs) around Europe, the public sector, academia and the NGO sector. Handbook available here.