A special event was organised by the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology in close collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Center Noordung - The Herman Potočnik Noordung Center of Space Technologies. The representatives of foreign embassies accredited Slovenia and the Slovenian attachés working abroad for their dedication and enjoyed an in-depth presentation on the Slovenian space sector. Collaborating with ESA - European Space Agency, the Tourism 4.0 team had the pleasure of sharing their experiences.
This was a perfect opportunity for the TIM product manager, Andraž Orehar, to present the ice-breaking innovation, Tourism Impact Model (TIM). TIM is the centre of research in the SD4TIM ESA project, where the goal is to integrate earth observation satellite data into the Tourism Impact Model, one of the Tourism 4.0 products, developed for measuring the sustainability of destinations.
Moreover, Arctur successfully presented also work and achievements within the AISense project where research with the AI Sense Gamma IV radiation hotspot handheld locator was performed. By the way, one of these locators is placed also at the main Slovene airport Joze Pucnik. And again we can see how many aspects of our lives are bound to tourism.