Does having specialised knowledge in tourism give one the opportunity to speak at the prestigious Tourism innovation summit (TIS), organised in Seville, Spain? Well, that is exactly what occurred to Arctur`s Tourism 4.0 lead Dr Urška Starc Peceny.
Urška Starc Peceny moderated the session titled ‘Challenges and enablers for destinations to uptake digitalisation’, accompanied by Morena Diazzi from Emilia Romagna Region, Blanca Cros Moll from Catalan Tourist Board and Ana Moniche Bermejo from the Tourism of Tomorrow Lab, Andalusia Tourism Board. The attendees provided concrete solutions to enable destinations and tourism SMEs to become more resilient, optimise commercialisation processes, deliver a more effective marketing, turn data into intelligence and compete globally by embracing digitalisation.
Urska Starc Peceny shared Tourism 4.0 ideas also by speaking in the ‘How to attract the ideal traveller? The role of data for destination marketing and management’ discussion, hosted by Mirko Lalli, CEO of The Data Appeal Company, together with István Miklós, Director of Hungarian Tourism Agency, Giovanna Galasso from the Intellera Consulting, and Sophia Quint, Head of Market Research at Visit Berlin, underscoring the value of integrating a variety of datasets and technologies into everyday marketing and management strategies.
Tourism Innovation Summit is aimed to help tourism and travel industry to face short and long-term challenges of visitor reactivation, trust, inclusivity, sustainability and digital economy. Arctur, a Tourism 4.0 initiator, is thus honoured to be invited to co-create such an event.